Sunday, November 27, 2011

Parents Night Out!

Need a night out to finish up some Christmas shopping together or just to go out to dinner to reconnect during the craziness of holidays.  Stormie is high school senior, CPR certified and foster care approved sitter(that I personally LOVE) and she would love to play with your kids for 3 hours while you go out! To be used in the Melissa, McKinney, Frisco area.

to bid on this item:please leave a comment on this entry including your name, location, and bid amount along with your email will be contacted via email and payment must be made through paypal within 24 hours of winning.


  1. Denise Kendrick, $60

  2. With only two hours of auction time left, I would like to propose a deal: If anyone will outbid me for this babysitting, I will still pay my bid and YOU can use the sitter! Everyone wins! So please outbid me!

    Thanks! Denise Kendrick

  3. Shivers. $100 Frisco

  4. Winners - Denise Kendrick (just the cash) AND Nylsa Shivers for cash and a sitter!
